Stefan Montouth
Fundraising Coordinator Stefan Montouth is a fourth year at UC Berkeley studying Political Science and African American studies. During his time at UC Berkeley, Stefan has succeeded in various leadership roles on campus. He started getting involved when he interned and volunteered for the Black Recruitment and Retention Center. Stefan began to help out the Black community in other ways such as helping to organize the BLACKOUT demonstration in Spring 2010, a response to the increasing public hate crimes exhibited across campus, as well as planning the Black Student Leadership Training where he raised over $4000 for the first annual Black Student Union event. Finally, Stefan participated in the ASUC (UC Berekeley's Student Government) where he was first an intern and staff member for the Office of the President for two years and then was elected to be an ASUC Senator. This year, he is serving as a board member for the bridges Multicultural Resource Center, the coalition of all of the ethnic-based Recruitment and Retention Centers. During all of these experiences, Stefan has always put community first and sought to find solutions to the varying problems affecting the Black community. Stefan will be participating in the ABC Coordinating Committee as the Fundraising Director. |